The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Reservation (Site #8, Northwest Loop) hosts a number of walking trails that meander through woodlands, fields, and along the Tennessee River. The Tennessee Valley Authority Reservation is one of the few reliable areas in northern Alabama for Swainson’s Warblers, which nest near the end of the 2.6-mile bicycle/jogging trail. Other species […]
The Leighton ponds (Site #5, Northwest Loop) sites are a series of sinkholes and semi-flooded agricultural fields that are excellent for waders and shorebirds. Scan the muddier areas for resident Killdeer alongside migrants such as Semipalmated Plovers and Least Sandpipers. In larger sinkholes, search for Green Herons, American Coots, and perhaps a Common Gallinule. Each […]
Town Creek Marsh (Site #4, Northwest Loop) is a small marsh in the bend of Fosters Mill Road overlooking Town Creek. It is an excellent place to see rails feeding on the mudflats during appropriate times of year. The marsh also supports a variety of wading birds and waterfowl, especially during the winter months. From […]
Wilson Dam and Visitor Center (Site #6, Northwest Loop) is where the Tennessee Vally Authority's hydroelectric dam impounds the 15,500-acre Wilson Reservoir. This was the first dam constructed on the Tennessee River in Alabama. Construction began on the dam in 1918 and was completed in 1924. The dam was acquired by the TVA in 1933. […]
The walking trail at Freedom Hills Wildlife Management Area (Site #13, Northwest Loop) is one of numerous gravel and dirt hunter access roads on the 34,500 acre WMA, which leads visitors into a variety of productive habitats ranging from old fields to mature hardwood forest. These habitats are interspersed with wildlife openings planted for deer, […]
Colbert Ferry (Site #12, Northwest Loop) provides access to a number of wooded habitats, including a beaver pond with lots of standing dead timber. Check this area for Red-headed and other woodpeckers. Closer to the shore, search the trees for White-breasted Nuthatches year-round and Orchard Orioles and Eastern Kingbirds in the summer. The park also […]