Explore Alabama’s Birding Trails
Plan your ADVENTURe
With 280 sites covering Alabama from the mountains to the gulf, the Alabama Birding Trails provide a roadmap of the best public lands to watch the birds. Over 430 different bird species have been spotted in Alabama. Come see what you can find! Get out and explore!
The Alabama Birding Trails highlight the best public locations for watching birds year-round. Alabama’s Birding Trails has 280 sites covering our great state from the mountains to the gulf. Get out and explore!

Appalachian Highlands
40 sites in 9 counties along the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains provide access to rivers, streams & our largest city.

Black Belt
32 sites stretch along a narrow swath of 11 counties across the south-central part of Alabama’s rural farm country.

50 sites in two counties along the Gulf of Mexico, the trail features 6 driving loops with access to marsh, fields and beachfront views.

North Alabama
53 sites in 12 counties across North Alabama, ranging from tupelo swamps to blazing fields of wildflowers.

Piedmont Plateau
40 sites across 9 counties in Alabama’s east-central region, locations vary from the highest point to the largest lake.

Piney Woods
Southwestern Alabama’s 22 sites in 5 counties provide access to the regions myriad waterways and farmland.

West Alabama
27 sites in 9 counties in West Alabama, you’ll find lakes, deep forests and free-flowing rivers, all filled with a variety of birds.

Nestled in southeastern Alabama, this ten county area with 22 sites spans national forests, refuges & state and local parks.
Notes from the Trail
Not sure where you want to visit? Try these for some new ideas!
Experience all the wonders of Alabama’s biodiversity
The Alabama Birding Trails highlight the best public locations for watching birds year-round.

If I had to choose, I would rather have birds than airplanes.
Charles Lindbergh Quotes