In Alabama during: Fall | Spring | Summer | Winter
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Charadrius vocifurus
OTHER NAMES: killdee; pasture-bird; noisy plover; field plover; chattering plover
STATUS: Breeder. Common in all regions and seasons. Low Conservation Concern.
DESCRIPTION: Killdeer (Charadrius vocifurus) are one of the best known American shorebirds. Sexes are outwardly alike and about the same size. They are 9 to 11 inches long with a wingspan of 19 to 21 inches. They are gray-brown above with white below distinguished by two black bands across the chest. The lower back, rump, and upper tail are an orange color and the legs and feet are flesh colored. They have a rounded tail with a black band close to the end that is tipped with white. Killdeer sport slim black bills and a white stripe along the wings. They are distinguished by their loud cry of kill-dee kill-deer or kill-deeah.