In Alabama during: Fall | Spring | Summer | Winter
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Setophaga pinus
STATUS: Breeder. Common in all seasons and regions. Lowest Conservation Concern.
DESCRIPTION: The pine warbler (Dendroicas pinus) belongs to the family of birds (Parulidae) that include ovenbirds, thrushes, chats, and 35 other warbler species. This family has been described as containing the butterflies of the bird world due to the bright coloration, small size and thin bills common to bird species in this family. Size of adult pine warblers ranges from 5 Ð 5 _ inches. Adult males are olive green above with two white wing bars; under parts are lemon yellow with the brightest coloration on the throat and dimly streaked breasts. Females appear as a dull colored male and are described as very non-descript in comparison to males; yellow coloration on the breast is much duller in females. Immature birds and autumn females are described as very obscure; grayish or brownish above with two white wing bars; under parts dull whitish with a dull buff colored wash across the breast.
Species similar in appearance include the yellow-throated vireo, bay-breasted warbler, and black poll warbler.