Piedmont Plateau | Clay | Best Seasons: Fall | Spring
Lineville City Park provides access to two lakes, one of which is used for fishing. As one enters the park, the lake is surrounded by a walking trail bordered by woods, and featuring views of the highest point in Alabama, Mt. Cheaha. The lower lake is more secluded, and is more likely to be visited by wild waterfowl in the colder months. Expect to see long-legged waders – herons and egrets. Search for resting night-herons and possibly American Bitterns where the vegetation is thickest.
There are multiple ball fields, best for spotting Killdeer, Eastern Bluebirds, Common Nighthawks (in the evenings above the park lights from spring through fall), and Loggerhead Shrikes and American Kestrels, especially in the colder months. The woods to the east of the park road offer a fair number of songbirds, and at the end of the road there is an opportunity to peek into an early-successional second-growth property that teems with American Goldfinches, Common Yellowthroats, Prairie Warblers, and Yellow-breasted Chats in the warmer months. Watch for winter sparrows and finches in this area in colder months.
GPS: 33.3156339 -85.742976
Site Accessibility
There are opportunities for birding in the paved parking lot and some shorter paved trails. The longest trail is primarily crushed gravel.
The entrance to Lineville City Park is on the west side of AL Highway 9, less than .1 mile north of the intersection of Highways 9 and 48 in Lineville (Clay Coounty), AL.
Amenities Available: Gravel or Dirt Trails, Paved Trails, Picnic Tables, Restrooms, Wheelchair Accessible
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