Piedmont Plateau | Tallapoosa | Best Seasons: Fall | Spring | Winter
Wind Creek State Park is situated on a wooded promontory overlooking Lake Martin. Ospreys and Bald Eagles nest on the lake and both species may be seen throughout the year. The lake may attract rafts of wintering ducks, most numerous from late November through February. You’ll find mostly Ring-billed Gulls, along with some Herring and Bonaparte’s, and terns (mostly Forster’s) here, too. The pines around the shoreline include many mature Longleaf pines, and are uncommonly good for locating Red-headed Woodpeckers. There are several Purple Martin “condos” near the shoreline, and martins are easy to see here from March through August. Barn and Rough-winged Swallows are also common from spring through fall. Tree, Cliff, and Bank Swallows can be seen during migration. Expect to see Great Blue Herons and Great Egrets near the water throughout the year, and other large waders, from Snowy Egrets to Little Blue Herons to White Ibis primarily in late summer and autumn. Northern Parula and Yellow-throated Warblers nest here, as do American Redstart. Eastern Phoebes are common throughout the year, while Great Crested Flycatchers and Eastern Wood Pewees are well represented from spring through fall.
The thicker woods along the park road and several picnic pavilions harbor Wood Thrushes and Hooded, Kentucky, and Black-and-white Warblers. The trees along the Wind Creek Hiking Trail suffered significant damage from tornadoes in April 2011. The short-term effect is that the mature woods along the trail will be transformed to early-succession second-growth habitat for the coming years. Expect to see an abundance of Carolina Wrens, along with Eastern Bluebirds, American Goldfinches, and the like in the newly open country.
Wind Creek State Park spans 1,445 acres along the shores of scenic Lake Martin, a 41,000-acre clear-water reservoir perfect for fishing, swimming, birding and boating.
GPS: 32.8616216 -85.92437
Wind Creek State Park
4325 Alabama Highway 128
Alexander City, AL 35010
From US 280 in Alexander City (restaurants, service stations, motels, with additional shopping available in Alexander City,) turn south on AL 63 and follow approximately 5 miles to the sign for Wind Creek State Park at AL 128. Follow AL 128 into the park.
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