Mourning Dove

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Zenaida macroura STATUS: Breeder. Common in all seasons and regions. Lowest Conservation Concern. DESCRIPTION: Zenaida macroura belongs to the family of doves and pigeons known as Columbidae. They are a medium sized bird with a delicat …
learn moreYellow-rumped Warbler

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Setophaga coronata STATUS: Common in winter, spring, and fall in all regions. Lowest Conservation Concern. (from Wikipedia) The yellow-rumped warbler breeds from eastern North America west to the Pacific, and southward from there into …
learn moreWood Duck

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Aix sponsa OTHER NAMES: Woodie, summer duck, acorn duck, swamp duck, squealer. STATUS: Breeder. Common in all seasons and regions. Low Conservation Concern. DESCRIPTION: The wood duck (Aix sponsa) is a small, multicolored duck from 15 …
learn moreWild Turkey

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Meleagris gallapavo silvestris STATUS: Breeder. Fairly common in all seasons and regions. Lowest Conservation Concern. DESCRIPTON: The eastern wild turkey is one of the largest of the five subspecies of wild turkey that inhabit North A …
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