Common Grackle

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Quiscalus quiscula STATUS: Breeder. Common in all seasons and regions. Low Conservation Concern. HABITAT: Found in open woodlands, especially those with pines and grassy areas; also fields with short grasses or in cultivated fields.
learn moreBrown-headed Cowbird

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Molothrus ater OTHER NAMES: Cowbird STATUS: Breeder. Common in all seasons and regions. Lowest Conservation Concern. DESCRIPTION: Brown-headed Cowbirds are small blackbirds (about 6-8inches in length) that have shorter tails and bigger …
learn moreHouse Finch

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Haemorhous mexicanus STATUS: Breeder. Common in all seasons in inland regions. In Gulf Coast, fairly common in all seasons. Lowest Conservation Concern. HABITAT: Found in open woodlands, especially those associated with buildings, home …
learn moreRed-headed Woodpecker

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Melanerpes erythrocephalus STATUS: Breeder. Fairly common in spring, summer, and fall, and uncommon in winter in all regions. MODERATE CONSERVATION CONCERN. DESCRIPTION: The red-headed woodpecker (melanerpes erythrocephalus) is the onl …
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