Black Belt | Dallas | Best Seasons: Fall | Spring | Winter
Bloch Park and the adjacent Valley Creek Park have a variety of habitats-both open upland woods and riparian woods, along with a marina. As you enter the park property from Dallas Avenue (AL 22), note the baseball stadium to the right. Look for Common Nighthawks above the lights from April through September, and Killdeer in the outfield when no game is in progress. To the left is a walking path. The fields and small trees here are Eastern Bluebird country. There’s a wooded picnic area on the south side of the walking trail.
You may spot spring and fall migrants, as well as small numbers of resident songbirds–mostly the common suburban species. Mississippi Kites nest around the park. The paved road continues to wind to the south. The understory gets thicker here. Look for White-eyed Vireos in the warm months and Ruby-crowned Kinglets in the cooler months. The bridge is a perfect spot to see Eastern Phoebes year-round. You will find Louisiana Waterthrushes and Acadian Flycatchers in the warmer months. Scrub in the southwest section attracts Field and other sparrows, wrens, and various scrub species.
The open field to the left is a good spot for Eastern Kingbirds (spring to fall) and Eastern Bluebirds and the occasional Loggerhead Shrike, mostly in winter. Continue on to a small restaurant that overlooks a marina. Enjoy a tasty burger and a good view of the river. The trees near the river feature Northern Parulas, Yellow-throated and Red-eyed Vireos (spring through fall), and Pine Warblers and Brown-headed Nuthatches (year-round).
Bloch and Valley Creek Parks are a pleasant diversion, useful as an oasis for birds in downtown Selma. They occupy a substantial piece of land between AL-22 and the Alabama River. The easy accessibility makes the sites “must-see” when in or around Selma. Much of the park is bird-able from the road’s edge; the forest is a well-maintained mix of hardwoods and pines with excellent sightlines. For any questions or concerns, contact the Selma Recreation Department at 334-874-2140.
GPS N 32.402918 -87.037622
City of Selma (Mailing address)
108 West Dallas Avenue
Recreation Department
PO Box 450
Selma, AL 36702
(334) 874-2140
Site Accessibility
The area has a good deal of paved paths, particularly those surrounding the ballfields. Opportunities to see birds like Killdeer should be relatively easy from these paved pathways, as should, in season, views of the Mississippi Kites as they soar over the fields.
From downtown Selma (Dallas County) follow AL-22 W (Dallas Street) approximately 1 mile to Marina Drive. Turn left (south) at the entrance to the park.
Amenities Available: Gravel or Dirt Trails, Paved Trails, Picnic Tables, Restrooms, Wheelchair Accessible
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