Chimney Swift
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Chaetura pelagica STATUS: Breeder. Common in spring, summer, and fall in all regions. MODERATE CONSERVATION CONCERN. DESCRIPTION: Chimney swifts, Chaetura pelagica, are generally 4 _ to 5 _ inches long. They are an all dark charcoal gr …
learn moreAmerican Crow
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Corvus brachyrhynchos OTHER NAMES: Common crow STATUS: Breeder. Common in all seasons in all inland regions. In Gulf Coast region, uncommon to fairly common in all seasons. Lowest Conservation Concern. DESCRIPTION: At 17 to 21 inches, …
learn moreCarolina Chickadee
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Poecile carolinensis STATUS: Breeder. Common in all seasons and regions. Low Conservation Concern. DESCRIPTION: Carolina chickadees are small birds four to five inches in length and being mostly gray above and white below. They have ve …
learn moreBrown-headed Nuthatch
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Sitta pusilla STATUS: Breeder. Common in all seasons and regions, but local in Tennessee Valley region. Low Conservation Concern.
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