American Crow
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Corvus brachyrhynchos OTHER NAMES: Common crow STATUS: Breeder. Common in all seasons in all inland regions. In Gulf Coast region, uncommon to fairly common in all seasons. Lowest Conservation Concern. DESCRIPTION: At 17 to 21 inches, …

American Goldfinch
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Spinus tristis STATUS: Breeder. Fairly common to common in all seasons in Tennessee Valley and Mountain regions. In Inland Coastal Plain, common in winter, spring, and fall, and uncommon in summer. In Gulf Coast region, common in winte …

American Robin
The American Robin is North America’s largest and also most familiar thrush. In summer, Robins are regularly seen hopping and running on lawns and fields, using their well-known worm-hunting skills. In winter, they gather in the southern parts of their …

Bald Eagle
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Haliaeetus leucocephalus STATUS: Breeder. Fairly common in winter, spring, and fall in Tennessee Valley region, and uncommon in summer. In other regions, uncommon throughout year. Low Conservation Concern. DESCRIPTION: The Bald …

Barn Swallow
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Hirundo rustica STATUS: Breeder. Common in spring, summer, and fall in inland regions. In Gulf Coast region, common in spring, summer, and fall, and occasional in winter. Low Conservation Concern.

Barred Owl
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Strix varia OTHER NAMES:Swamp owl, hoot owl, rain owl, eight hooter. STATUS: Breeder. Common in all seasons and in all regions. Lowest Conservation Concern. DESCRIPTION: Barred owls belong to Order Strigiformes, as do all birds who hav …

Blue Jay
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Cyanocitta cristata STATUS: Breeder. Common in all seasons and regions. Low Conservation Concern.

Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Polioptila caerulea STATUS: Breeder. Common in spring, summer, and fall, and fairly common in winter in Gulf Coast region. In other regions, common in spring, summer, and fall, and rare to occasional in winter. Lowest Conservation Conc …

Brown Pelican
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Pelecanus occidentalis OTHER NAMES: American brown pelican, common pelican. STATUS: Breeder. Common on Gulf Coast. Occasional inland. Low Conservation Concern. DESCRIPTION: The brown pelican (Pelecanus occidentalis) is a fairly large w …

Brown-headed Cowbird
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Molothrus ater OTHER NAMES: Cowbird STATUS: Breeder. Common in all seasons and regions. Lowest Conservation Concern. DESCRIPTION: Brown-headed Cowbirds are small blackbirds (about 6-8inches in length) that have shorter tails and bigger …

Brown-headed Nuthatch
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Sitta pusilla STATUS: Breeder. Common in all seasons and regions, but local in Tennessee Valley region. Low Conservation Concern.

Carolina Chickadee
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Poecile carolinensis STATUS: Breeder. Common in all seasons and regions. Low Conservation Concern. DESCRIPTION: Carolina chickadees are small birds four to five inches in length and being mostly gray above and white below. They have ve …

Carolina Wren
The Carolina Wren is a small rusty-brown bird with a prominent white eye stripe and a very loud voice. Their call is a loud melodious “TEA-kettle TEA-kettle TEA-kettle” or “cherry cherry cherry.” To avoid predators, they prefer to nest near humans, in …

Cedar Waxwing
Cedar Waxwings are beautiful birds with an unusual lifestyle. They travel through Alabama in large flocks during the fall, winter and early spring, searching for fruit-bearing trees and shrubs, such as Hackberry, Eastern Red Cedar, Black Cherry, and Am …

Chimney Swift
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Chaetura pelagica STATUS: Breeder. Common in spring, summer, and fall in all regions. MODERATE CONSERVATION CONCERN. DESCRIPTION: Chimney swifts, Chaetura pelagica, are generally 4 _ to 5 _ inches long. They are an all dark charcoal gr …

Chipping Sparrow
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Spizella passerina STATUS: Breeder. Common in all seasons in Tennessee Valley and Mountain regions. In Inland Coastal Plain region, common in winter, spring. and fall, and fairly common in summer. In Gulf Coast region, common in winter …

Common Grackle
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Quiscalus quiscula STATUS: Breeder. Common in all seasons and regions. Low Conservation Concern. HABITAT: Found in open woodlands, especially those with pines and grassy areas; also fields with short grasses or in cultivated fields.

Cooper’s Hawk
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Accipiter cooperii OTHER NAMES: Chicken hawk, blue darter, quail hawk STATUS: Breeder. Fairly common in fall in Gulf Coast region, uncommon in winter and spring, and rare in summer. In other regions, uncommon year-round. Low Conservati …

Downy Woodpecker
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Picoides pubescens STATUS: Breeder. Common in all seasons and regions. Low Conservation Concern. DESCRIPTION: Downy woodpeckers (Picoides pubescens)are small birds, black and white in color having checkered and spotted patterns on th …

Eastern Bluebird
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Sialia sialis STATUS: Breeder. Common in all seasons and regions. Lowest Conservation Concern. DESCRIPTION: The Eastern bluebird (Sialia sialis) is a small thrush size bird standing only six to eight inches tall and weighs about 1 ounc …

Eastern Kingbird
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Tyrannus tyrannus STATUS: Breeder. Common in spring, summer, and fall in all regions. Low Conservation Concern. DESCRIPTION: The Eastern kingbird is a medium- sized songbird that is dark black to grey-black on the head and back with wh …

Eastern Phoebe
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Sayornis phoebe STATUS: Breeder. Fairly common in all seasons in Tennessee Valley and Mountain regions. In Inland Coastal Plain, common in winter, spring, and fall, and uncommon to rare in summer. In Gulf Coast region, common in winter …

Eastern Towhee
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Pipilo erythrophthalmus OTHER NAMES: Chewink, Swamp Robin, Bullfinch, Red-eyed Towhee, Ground Robin, Jo-ree, Brush-bird, Turkey Sparrow, Rufous-Sided Towhee STATUS: Breeder. Common in all seasons and regions. Low Conservation Concern. …

Great Blue Heron
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Ardea herodias OTHER NAMES. Crane, Blue Crane, Egret, White Heron, Long Tom. STATUS: Breeder. Common throughout state in all seasons. Low Conservation Concern. DESCRIPTION. A large (46 long with a 72 wingspan) lean, slate-gray colored …

Great Egret
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Ardea alba OTHER NAMES: Common or American egret STATUS: Breeder. Common throughout year on Inland Coastal Plain and Gulf Coast regions. Common to fairly common in spring, summer, and fall in Tennessee Valley and Mountain regions, but …

Green Heron
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Butorides virescens OTHER NAMES: Green-backed heron, little green heron, swamp squaggin, fly-up-the-creek and skeow. STATUS: Breeder. Common in spring, summer, and fall in all regions. Rare in winter in Mountain, Inland Coastal Plain, …

Hooded Merganser
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Lophodytes cucullatus STATUS: Rare breeder. Fairly common in winter, spring, and fall, and rare in summer in all regions. Low Conservation Concern. DESCRIPTION: The smallest of the three mergansers occurring in North America, the hoode …

Hooded Warbler
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Setophaga citrina STATUS: Breeder. Common in spring, summer, and fall in all regions. Lowest Conservation Concern. DESCRIPTION: The hooded warbler is a small bird, five and a half inches in length, but it is very striking in appearance …

House Finch
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Haemorhous mexicanus STATUS: Breeder. Common in all seasons in inland regions. In Gulf Coast, fairly common in all seasons. Lowest Conservation Concern. HABITAT: Found in open woodlands, especially those associated with buildings, home …

Indigo Bunting
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Passerina cyanea STATUS: Breeder. Common in spring, summer, and fall, and rare in winter in Gulf Coast region. Common in spring, summer, and fall, and occasional in winter in inland regions. Low Conservation Concern.

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Charadrius vocifurus OTHER NAMES: killdee; pasture-bird; noisy plover; field plover; chattering plover STATUS: Breeder. Common in all regions and seasons. Low Conservation Concern. DESCRIPTION: Killdeer (Charadrius vocifurus) are one o …

Laughing Gull
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Leucophaeus atricilla STATUS: Breeder. Common in all seasons in Gulf Coast region. In other regions, rare in all seasons. Lowest Conservation Concern.

Least Tern
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Sterna antillarum STATUS: Breeder. Common in spring, summer, and fall, and occasional in winter in Gulf Coast region. In Tennessee Valley region, rare in spring, late summer, and fall. In Mountain region, rare in fall, occasional in …

Magnolia Warbler
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Setophaga magnolia STATUS: Common in fall, uncommon to fairly common in spring, and occasional in summer in all regions.

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Anas platyrhynchos platyrhynchos OTHER NAMES: Greenhead (drake); gray duck (hen); susie (hen) STATUS: Breeder. Common in winter, fairly common in spring and fall, and uncommon in summer in all regions. Breeding birds are probably fer …

Mourning Dove
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Zenaida macroura STATUS: Breeder. Common in all seasons and regions. Lowest Conservation Concern. DESCRIPTION: Zenaida macroura belongs to the family of doves and pigeons known as Columbidae. They are a medium sized bird with a delicat …

Northern Cardinal
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Cardinalis cardinalis STATUS: Common in all seasons and regions. Lowest Conservation Concern. DESCRIPTION: Northern cardinals are a medium-sized songbird well known for their brilliant red coloration and beautiful songs. Males are near …

Northern Flicker
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Colaptes auratus OTHER NAMES: Yellow-shafted flicker, red-shafted flicker, common flicker. STATUS: Breeder. Fairly common to uncommon in all seasons and regions. Designated the official state bird by the Alabama Legislature. MODERATE C …

Northern Mockingbird
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Mimus polyglottos STATUS: Breeder. Common in all seasons and regions. Low Conservation Concern. DESCRIPTION: The northern mockingbird is a medium-sized songbird measuring about nine inches and weighing about two ounces. It has long leg …

Northern Shoveler
SCIENTIFIC NAME:Anas clypeata OTHER NAMES: Spoonbill, Spoonie, Smiley STATUS: Historical breeder. Common in winter, spring, and fall in all regions, and occasional in summer in Tennessee Valley region. Lowest Conservation Concern. DESCRIPTION: A medium …

Palm Warbler
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Setophaga palmarum STATUS: Common in spring and fall, and fairly common in winter in Gulf Coast region. In Inland Coastal Plain region, common in spring, fairly common in fall, and uncommon to locally common in winter. In Tennessee Va …

Pine Warbler
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Setophaga pinus OTHER NAMES: Red Wing STATUS: Breeder. Common in all seasons and regions. Lowest Conservation Concern. DESCRIPTION: The pine warbler (Dendroicas pinus) belongs to the family of birds (Parulidae) that include ovenbirds, …

Prothonotary Warbler
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Protonotaria citrea STATUS: Breeder. Common in spring, summer, and early fall in all regions. MODERATE CONSERVATION CONCERN.

Purple Martin
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Progne subis OTHER NAMES: Gourd martin, black martin. STATUS: Breeder. Common in spring, summer, and early fall in inland regions. In Gulf Coast region, common in spring, summer, and fall, rare in midwinter, and uncommon in late winter …

Red-bellied Woodpecker
SCIENTIFIC NAME:Melanerpes carolinus STATUS: Breeder. Common in all seasons and regions. Lowest Conservation Concern. DESCRIPTION: The most common woodpecker in the southeast, the red-bellied woodpecker is about nine to ten inches tall with a wingspan …

Red-headed Woodpecker
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Melanerpes erythrocephalus STATUS: Breeder. Fairly common in spring, summer, and fall, and uncommon in winter in all regions. MODERATE CONSERVATION CONCERN. DESCRIPTION: The red-headed woodpecker (melanerpes erythrocephalus) is the onl …

Red-tailed Hawk
The Red-tailed Hawk is Alabama’s largest hawk, with a wingspan of over four feet. Females are larger than males. Adults are easily identified by their dark reddish tail feathers, not present in first-year birds. This predatory bird soars effortlessly w …

Red-winged Blackbird
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Agelaius phoeniceus OTHER NAMES: Red Wing STATUS: Breeder. Common in all seasons and regions. Low Conservation Concern. DESCRIPTION: The red-winged blackbird (Agelaius phoeniceus) belongs to the family of birds (Icteridae) that include …

Rose-breasted Grosbeak
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Pheucticus ludovicianus STATUS: Common in spring and fall statewide, and occasional in winter in mostly gulf coast region.

Roseate Spoonbill
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Platalea ajaja OTHER NAMES: flame bird, pink, pinky, pink curlew, espátula rosada STATUS: Occasional to rare in summer and fall, mostly in Gulf Coast and Inland Coastal Plain regions. DESCRIPTION: Roseate spoonbills are in the same fam …

Ross’s Goose
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Chen rossii STATUS: Rare in winter, early spring, and late fall in all regions. DESCRIPTION: The Ross’s Goose is the smallest of the three varieties of white goose in North America. Males range from 24 to 26 inches in length and weigh …

Royal Tern
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Thalasseus maxima STATUS: Breeder. Common in all seasons in Gulf Coast region. Occasional in fall after storms inland, mostly in Mountain and Inland Coastal Plain regions. DESCRIPTION: A large tern only exceeded in size by the Caspian …

Ruby-throated Hummingbird
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Archilochus colubris OTHER NAMES: Common hummingbird; Ruby Throat STATUS: Breeder. Common in spring, summer, and fall, and rare in winter in Gulf Coast regions. In other regions, common in spring, summer, and fall, and occasional in wi …

Ruddy Turnstone
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Arenaria interpres STATUS: Common in winter and spring, fairly common in late summer, and rare in early summer in Gulf Coast region. In other regions, rare in spring and fall. MODERATE CONSERVATION CONCERN.

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Calidris alba STATUS: Common in winter, spring, and fall, fairly common in late summer, and uncommon to rare in early summer in Gulf Coast region. In other regions, occasional to rare in spring, and rare to uncommon in late summer an …

Sandhill Crane
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Grus canadensis OTHER NAMES: sandies, cranes, Sunday turkey STATUS: Historical breeder. Uncommon in winter and rare in spring and fall in Gulf Coast region. In other regions, uncommon to rare in winter, early spring, and fall, though c …

Sandwich Tern
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Thalasseus sandvicensis STATUS: Breeder. Common in spring, summer, and fall, and rare to occasional in winter in Gulf Coast region. Low Conservation Concern. HABITAT: Found in the Gulf and on bays and beaches.

Savannah Sparrow
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Passerculus sandwichensis STATUS: Common in winter, spring, and fall in all regions. Low Conservation Concern.

Scissor-tailed Flycatcher
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Tyrannus forficatus OTHER NAMES: Scissor-tail STATUS: Breeder. Uncommon in fall, rare in winter and spring, and occasional in summer in Gulf Coast region. In other regions, rare in spring, summer, and fall. Low Conservation Concern. D …

Snowy Plover
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Charadrius nivosus Linnaeus OTHER NAMES: Beach Plover, Snowy Ringed Plover, Kentish Plover (Page 1995). STATUS: Breeder. Uncommon to rare and local in all seasons in Gulf Coast region. HIGHEST CONSERVATION CONCERN. DESCRIPTION: A small …

Summer Tanager
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Piranga rubra STATUS: Breeder. Common in spring, summer, and fall, and occiasional in winter in all regions. Lowest Conservation Concern.

Swallow-tailed Kite
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Elanoides forficatus (Linnaeus) OTHER NAMES: Fork-tailed Hawk, Swallow-tailed Hawk, Snake Hawk, Fish Hawk. STATUS: Breeder. Uncommon and local in summer, and rare in early fall in Inland Coastal Plain and Gulf Coast regions. Occasional …

Tufted Titmouse
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Baeolophus bicolor STATUS: Breeder. Common in all seasons and regions. Lowest Conservation Concern.

Turkey Vulture
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Cathartes aura OTHER NAMES: Buzzard, John Crow, Carrion Crow. STATUS: Breeder. Common in all seasons and regions. Lowest Conservation Concern. DESCRIPTION: Turkey vultures are large birds with brownish-black feathers. When on the groun …

White-breasted Nuthatch
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Sitta carolinensis STATUS: Breeder. Fairly common in all seasons in Tennessee Valley and Mountain regions. In Inland Coastal Plain, rare in all seasons. Occasional in Gulf Coast region. Lowest Conservation Concern.

White-throated Sparrow
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Zonotrichia albicollis STATUS: Common in winter, spring, and fall, and rare in summer in all regions. Low Conservation Concern.

Wild Turkey
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Meleagris gallapavo silvestris STATUS: Breeder. Fairly common in all seasons and regions. Lowest Conservation Concern. DESCRIPTON: The eastern wild turkey is one of the largest of the five subspecies of wild turkey that inhabit North A …

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Tringa semipalmata STATUS: Breeder. Common in all seasons in Gulf Coast region, In other regions, rare in spring, late summer, and fall. Low Conservation Concern. HABITAT: Found on mudflats, beaches, and in marshes.

Wood Duck
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Aix sponsa OTHER NAMES: Woodie, summer duck, acorn duck, swamp duck, squealer. STATUS: Breeder. Common in all seasons and regions. Low Conservation Concern. DESCRIPTION: The wood duck (Aix sponsa) is a small, multicolored duck from 15 …

Wood Stork
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Mycteria americana (Linnaeus) OTHER NAMES: Flinthead, Ironhead, Pond Gannet, Wood Ibis (Coulter et al. 1999). STATUS: Possible breeder. Fairly common in late summer and early fall, but occasional to rare in spring and late fall in Inla …

Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Sphyrapicus varius OTHER NAMES: Yellow-bellied sap-lapper, red-throated sapsucker, sap-sipper, yellow-bellied woodpecker. STATUS: Fairly common in winter, spring, and fall in all regions. Low Conservation Concern. DESCRIPTION: The y …

Yellow-rumped Warbler
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Setophaga coronata STATUS: Common in winter, spring, and fall in all regions. Lowest Conservation Concern. (from Wikipedia) The yellow-rumped warbler breeds from eastern North America west to the Pacific, and southward from there into …